It's amazing to me, Thanksgiving is tomorrow....where did the time go? Two things took me off guard today. First was a video montage of a little girl named Caitlyn. Many of you know of her story through me, she is the daughter of a dear friend, a friend I have never met in person, but one I have talked to and emailed with constantly for the past 10 years. Caitlyn has been dealing with two forms of cancer this past year and it's overwhelming for me to think of everything that both Caitlyn and Melinda have dealt with this past year....heart wrenching to say the least. Second, is Bowen, the little baby boy of Matt, from Sanctus Real....who was born with a heart defect and they almost lost a few times. I just read an update on him a bit ago and he and his family will be on ABC news tonight sharing their story.
I have no major illnesses in my life right now, nothing devastating like either story above that just crushes my will to want to continue through each day....but I'm realizing that with no major issues right now in my life....I haven't been as thankful as I really should be.
I have my health..for the most part
Scott's health is turning around and looking better
My kids are both healthy and active and doing awesome in school
I have both of my parents...
Most of my family is close by and reachable within a few minutes
I've found some awesome friends the past year in my newest job at Josh Early
So why do I not feel as thankful as I should be? That's something I'm going to have to ponder the next few days. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful, I just think for myself, and I'm sure many others, we forget what we have, we forget that we do have what we need.....and life just takes over and we don't take that time to cherish those people and relationships that we have.
So the next few days I will surely be thanking God for......
My family
My parents
My new friends at Josh Early
Caitlyn's little life
Bowen's heart
My husbands caring hand with our children and his willingness to put in all the overtime at work
My children and their steadfast love for Jesus
My life.....and the life given up for me.....that's allot to be thankful for....
Come follow me, as I garden, tend to chickens (Scratch that...chickens are gone, momentarily....), bake bread and raise two awesome kids with my sweetie! And if your looking for the blog my sweetie does, you can find him at