Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to wish all of my friends and family a very Happy Thanksgiving. I know, it's Wednesday, but with the schedule I've been keeping I just know I won't find the time to do this tomorrow.

I have to be honest and say that I really didn't think we would be at the spot we are today, November 26th. I am very blessed to have the friends and family that we have, who have made it possible for us to proceed with our new house and with the work that has to be done.

There are days when I am so tired, I don't want to roll out of bed, but I have two kids counting on me to make their lunch! I have to get up and get going, go to work and then count on Scott to handle the cottage while I work on the house. I have friends who call and say "can we come paint" and my heart is full, it just makes me so happy to know that I do have people in my life I can count on, who are as honest as they can be. These are the little things that I am thankfull for today and will always be thankfull for.

It's when your in the time constraint that we are in, that you have to be thankfull for these wonderfull people.......and for the freedoms that we have in this country.
Thank you to all of you, and you all know who you are.

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