Today brings about a new transition for us....A new school. No one slept well in our house last night. It was to be expected and we used alot of TLC this morning to coax the kids to eat their breakfast and get dressed with a little bit of enthusiasm. Emma was the complete opposite of herself on her orientation day, she was excited, jabbering away to the point where I could not think! Jacob, again, complete opposite, he was reserved, scared, his belly hurt...and it goes on. We managed to get out the door and drive the 5 minutes or less to school.
Today's day consisted of Scott and I going into school with them, and then it was all new to us as well. We figured we would drop them off and just wonder where they were going for class and what they would do, but we were pleasently suprised.
We left the office to head somewhere, we were not sure where, and there was another student with us and her mother so they were just as confused. As we waited in the lobby for our aide, people started welcoming us and we had no idea where they were, little did we know they were on the big tv behind us! It was two 5th graders doing the morning announcements on TV! That peaked Jakes interest. They also did the pledge of allegience and a song, which was neat, everything stopped for that. Then our aide came back and she hurried us on...we had no idea where "on" was. We ended up at the room where the morning announcements were being done! The kids were quietly moved into the room........and in a matter of seconds they were the announcements! It was really sweet to see Mrs. Kemp introduce each of the kids, tell what school and district they came from, what grade and what teacher they would be heading off to! Scott and I were a little scared that our 4th grader would be so freaked by the sudden camera on him and his belly ache that he would puke on camera, but he didn't, he even cracked a smile! After that we were off to their new classroom, and Mom and Dad were very happy to be able to meet their teacher and see where they were going. First we dropped of Jacob at Mrs. Dobbs class. I instantly took note of the fact that Mrs. Dobbs pulled Jakes desk next to another student so he wouldn't feel so alone, he smiled, proceeded to put his lunch pack aside and his coat, and he was ready for his day, with a tear in my eye, I waved goodbye....
Next was Emma, we walked over to the 2nd grade area and met Mrs. Fehlinger. She was very sweet and Emma walked right in with no hesitation. I called her for a kiss and off she went. After that we walked out of there as fast as we could, I didn't want to have any kids chasing after me!
I know they are doing fine and in about two hours now I'll pick them up and hear all about their exciting day! Thank you to everyone who has kept them in their prayers, I know I'll find out from Jacob later that his belly ache went away and he will tell me that Jesus made it better, like I said He would.
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