And it's time to get back to a normal routine, one that doesn't include swimming every day but that does involve yard work, revamping a garden and flower beds and getting to work on some painting that I want to have done by the Holiday's.
We started our list last night and we are preparing to begin our life following the money principals of Dave Ramsey. I could kick myself for not following what he has said for years now.
Trying to get the house and the kids rooms in order so we can start school next week. Tonight starts soccer practice already....where the time has gone I have no idea.
Maybe I can finally get the time to update my blog the way I planned when I started it...we shall see.
Come follow me, as I garden, tend to chickens (Scratch that...chickens are gone, momentarily....), bake bread and raise two awesome kids with my sweetie! And if your looking for the blog my sweetie does, you can find him at
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Vacation time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are in need of a family vacation like never before. We have put off planning this for month, hee hawed back and forth as to weather we should bite the bullet or just can it. The kids are what convinced us we needed this. When I look back to this past year and all that we have gone through, I see a family that is in need of some together time like never before. Sure, some will say "but your always with your kids" not really, I'm working most days and when I'm not were trying to get stuff done at home or driving to the pool where the kids get to enjoy being with the rest of their family. The quiet, just the four of us time is a long time coming.
Stress has been my middle name recently, from work, to personal health issues, to my kids and Scott's health, it's been a roller coaster ride of sorts and we haven't had the time to refocus and get back on track.
This week ahead we will do just that. Were heading to the beach in OC maryland tomorrow. I've got 3 books to go with me, Scott will pick up numerous papers and magazines along the way that I'm sure I'll find in our house next summer some time cause he hides em' on me. The kids will want to bring home some sort of sea creature (that I have already told them will put off the cat purchase, so they changed their mind) And hopefully mom will have some nice time to read and just sit on the beach.
We have all of our meals planned out, food for the beach is packed , kids are packed, hubby is packed, tonight mom gets to clean out the car and pack that as well.
Time to focus on us for a while, get kids familiar with what kind of routine they will have when we come home, and get them excited about school starting. Yeah right.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Is it really August?
The summer, or what we had of one, is almost near it's end. It went really fast in my opinion, in the kids as well....It's almost school time but not before we get one vacation in to relax before the nerves kick in with Jacob and Emma.
Our garden adventures have been just that, adventures! I'm amazed at the little I accomplished so far with our garden. We are still up to our ears in cucumbers, and we have our pumpkin family now making it's appearance. The sunflowers didn't take, but I also didn't nurture them so they would, so that's my fault. The tomatoes, well they are beginning to come every day, especially those pretty chocolate ones! Can't wait to try them. We harvested all of our peas, three crops total, and we still have a ton of onions and peppers. Planning some fall crops as well and Scott has his mind set on revamping the entire space so he can drive the lawn tractor through, we shall see.
Our plan to focus on the kids and our family for the summer has gone well. Of course there are always bumps in the drive around them and keep moving. I'm always telling the kids, you just don't know how long your going to have your grandparents around....treasure each day and hour you have with them, soak up as much of the silly stories they will tell you and enjoy both the good and bad days.
We have already started our school shopping, supplies is really all, clothing I think my kids are set with for a while.
Jacob has been doing so incredibly well with his tutor this summer. I know it sounds just awfull to think that your child will have to do school work over the summer, but that is the best money I've spent all summer. I'm encouraged by his progression so far and I know he will do well come the start of the new school year.
Our garden adventures have been just that, adventures! I'm amazed at the little I accomplished so far with our garden. We are still up to our ears in cucumbers, and we have our pumpkin family now making it's appearance. The sunflowers didn't take, but I also didn't nurture them so they would, so that's my fault. The tomatoes, well they are beginning to come every day, especially those pretty chocolate ones! Can't wait to try them. We harvested all of our peas, three crops total, and we still have a ton of onions and peppers. Planning some fall crops as well and Scott has his mind set on revamping the entire space so he can drive the lawn tractor through, we shall see.
Our plan to focus on the kids and our family for the summer has gone well. Of course there are always bumps in the drive around them and keep moving. I'm always telling the kids, you just don't know how long your going to have your grandparents around....treasure each day and hour you have with them, soak up as much of the silly stories they will tell you and enjoy both the good and bad days.
We have already started our school shopping, supplies is really all, clothing I think my kids are set with for a while.
Jacob has been doing so incredibly well with his tutor this summer. I know it sounds just awfull to think that your child will have to do school work over the summer, but that is the best money I've spent all summer. I'm encouraged by his progression so far and I know he will do well come the start of the new school year.
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