We are in need of a family vacation like never before. We have put off planning this for month, hee hawed back and forth as to weather we should bite the bullet or just can it. The kids are what convinced us we needed this. When I look back to this past year and all that we have gone through, I see a family that is in need of some together time like never before. Sure, some will say "but your always with your kids" not really, I'm working most days and when I'm not were trying to get stuff done at home or driving to the pool where the kids get to enjoy being with the rest of their family. The quiet, just the four of us time is a long time coming.
Stress has been my middle name recently, from work, to personal health issues, to my kids and Scott's health, it's been a roller coaster ride of sorts and we haven't had the time to refocus and get back on track.
This week ahead we will do just that. Were heading to the beach in OC maryland tomorrow. I've got 3 books to go with me, Scott will pick up numerous papers and magazines along the way that I'm sure I'll find in our house next summer some time cause he hides em' on me. The kids will want to bring home some sort of sea creature (that I have already told them will put off the cat purchase, so they changed their mind) And hopefully mom will have some nice time to read and just sit on the beach.
We have all of our meals planned out, food for the beach is packed , kids are packed, hubby is packed, tonight mom gets to clean out the car and pack that as well.
Time to focus on us for a while, get kids familiar with what kind of routine they will have when we come home, and get them excited about school starting. Yeah right.
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