I must admit, this does not always excite me. I am a Fall/Winter girl for the sole purpose of staying indoors and enjoying our home, our home projects, warm fires, baking, cooking, roasting....I can go on.
Today is different. Today I have new purpose. Yesterday I finally made a decision that was pulling at me for weeks. These types of decisions are hard to make, they will make some happy and some sad, for me, it's who they will make happy that is most important to me, and those two people are my kids. I won't say right now what the decision is, in a few weeks I will open up because I don't want to put anything in jeopardy, but I will say that for the first time, for the first "First" day of Spring, I feel good.
We have been busy on the homestead, Jake more than anybody right now. It's as if he had a vision and all of a sudden became this super handy kid...thank God for that. He has taken down the chicken coop that was crushed by our October snow. It was an eyesore, and a heart sore...but it had to be done. He is also working on little projects, like removing all the wood to heat our home and stacking it and then cleaning off our porch. We have another project in mind that I hope to get his cousin to help us with, a brick patio...I think it will work.
My Emma on the other hand has been busy with many other projects. She just returned from a one night camp stay at Camp Mountain house in South Allentown with her girl scout troop. She had so much fun, but came back with a pretty good sore throat. This wouldn't normally bother us but, she is scheduled to sing in her first talent show this Friday night. She is upset of course, but we are treating it with care in hopes that she feels better. Emma is also currently pursuing her vocal instruction at a local place called The Lesson Center. She has been doing great! She has her first recital on Mother's Day!
Scott and I have been working pretty much over the winter, he works almost 7 nights a week now and I have been doing both jobs pretty steady.
We are now working toward the garden, getting a roto tiller fixed up to use and getting our veggies in the ground.
Gas prices are through the roof so we are not sure how often we will be able to get to Lancaster County right now for our seed starting items...we may have to find our items locally this year.
As a family this year we have decided to participate in the Fresh Air Fund and bring a child from New York to come stay with us for ten days. The kids are excited, especially Jake, as he has been working already on a list of places we can go and things we can do with our new friend when he arrives. A few families from our church are taking part as well so we are all really excited for what is in store.
Until I have more news to update, I will sign off, hope your Easter is enjoyable and that I get back here before Easter!
Come follow me, as I garden, tend to chickens (Scratch that...chickens are gone, momentarily....), bake bread and raise two awesome kids with my sweetie! And if your looking for the blog my sweetie does, you can find him at www.heirloomhomestead.com
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
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